Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Don't worry, not my funeral. On my way here, I came across the most odd and interesting procession of cars that we got stuck behind. I was so confused as to what it was, at first.

First, I heard music. I figured someone was playing it really loud at their house, then I realized it was moving with us. Then I noticed how slow we were going, we were stuck behind this bright lime green bus with fire painted on it. Sorry I don't have any pictures, but I didn't bring my camera.

As the taxi driver went to pass the bus, I looked inside and saw that there was a full brass band inside, that was playing the music. Sort of like a marching band... but not. Then, I realized that the bus was following a hearse.

It finally dawned on me, like five minutes later, that the bus was the funeral procession. Well. That's pretty cool, in my humble opinion.

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